Friday 12 December 2014

Look on the bright side!

Hey everyone.

Before I get too carried away, a little introduction is in order!

My names Medge. I'm in my mid-20's, and during my spare time I enjoy gaming. What kind of gaming? Every kind! I've got a cupboard full of board games, mountains of models for tabletop games, and I start new video games roughly every few weeks (rarely getting very far as my attention is drawn to whatever new shiny-thing has just come out).

I'm starting this blog to try and focus on the positive aspects of gaming; the fun and frivolity of playing with friends; the euphoria of winning, or the grudging respect you offer your opponent when you lose; the beauty of a new tabletop model; the excitement of opening a new game; and the anticipation of a new release.

The internet is a huge place, and unfortunately experience has taught me that there are a large number of individuals who like to be negative on the internet. Naysayers and cynics are everywhere, and I hope to be a little sliver of happiness in a dark and cynical interwebz. 

And if nobody reads this? Well I'll just sit here smiling on my own! ;-)

With introductions made and I'll sign off!

Happy hobby everybody!


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